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Student Council 2023/24

Introducing our new Student Council for this academic year… Luca, Taylor, Steven, Arina, Pat and Wissam will represent their peers and will share their ideas, opinions and concerns with the entire school population. They all gave fantastic speeches about why they would like to be elected. Congratulations to everyone that took part!

Last year, the Student Council organised an art competition celebrating 50 years of Clare Education Centre. Thomas wrote to Doora N.S.’s Student Council thanking them for the fundraiser they held for the Ukrainian pupils in E.E.T.N.S. We wrote to local businesses and secured sponsorship from Mr. Barry Lynch of Lynch’s Centra for school jerseys. Finally, we drafted a constitution for the Student Council that was ratified by our school’s Board of Management. Well done and thank you to John, Daniella, Lily, Thomas, Taysir and Chantelle.

We had our first meeting today and are excited for the year ahead. We have monthly meetings planned. They will take place in Lisa’s room at lunch time on the following dates:

6th of December

17th of January

14th of February

13th of March

10th of April

22nd of May

19th of June

We are looking forward to another year of fun projects with our current Student Council.