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Thank you, Student Council 2023/24!

Today, we had our final meeting of 2024. We listened to our first podcast episode and recapped on what has been a fantastic year.

The Student Council has achieved a lot this year:

  • We updated the two Student Council noticeboards and added a ‘Suggestions Folder’ to our board in the senior building.
  • We wrote letters to people we admire and received replies from President Higgins and The Speks.
  • We completed a stock take of the P.E. equipment for David and Seán.
  • We organised an art competition for CYSCP.
  • We acquired new Student Council badges to be worn at assemblies and for special occasions.
  • We organised a Wellbeing Week , thanks Jane!
  • We wrote to, and met with, the Parents’ Association who agreed to fund mirrors for the senior students’ bathrooms.
  • We recorded and published our very first podcast using equipment sponsored by Kinia.

Congratulations and thank you to Luca, Taylor, Steven, Arina, Pat and Wissam.